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Geographically the body of Christ is scattered across the continents. Small eternal lights prick the darkness around the globe in this year of 2018. If we gathered these lights together, and then in reverse chronological order traveled back all the way back to Adam and Eve, we would be amazed at the mighty train of heroes. Hebrews 11 highlights some of these giants in the faith like Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David and ends with “those of whom the world was not worthy…”

In the New Testament the disciples Paul, Timothy and Luke would be highlighted…and as we move forward past John’s Revelation in Patmos we would identify Athanasius (exiled 17 years out of 46 as bishop) who helped hammer out the Nicene Creed and put together the Canon of Scripture in 367 A.D.

Down through the centuries, Augustine, Anselm, and St. Francis of Assisi tried to exemplify what it meant to follow Christ. Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the Wittenberg Door in 1517, beginning the Protestant Reformation. Later, John Wesley, George Whitfield, and Charles Finney preached to thousands, spreading the gospel. William Carey (whose life overlapped Finney/s) became the father of modern missions, helping translate the Bible into numbers of Indian languages.

And what shall I more say! For the time would fail to tell of William and Catherine Booth, Dwight Moody, Billy Sunday and Billy Graham. Of Albert Simpson, A.W. Tozer, Loren Cunningham, Gordon Larson, Dan and Christine Bushy, Ken and Patty Freeman, and Lucy Melena, Mark and Anna Reid, John and Joy Cutts. And you! Who through faith subdued kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised. Whose weakness was turned to strength, became powerful in battle, and turned to flight the armies of the aliens. (v.33, 34)

Those cloud of witnesses watching from the ramparts of Heaven don’t see any difference between the early heroes and us. As long as we’re obedient to God’s calling and walk by faith they see us the same, in true eternal light. And the Lord takes as much delight in you as He does in them!

When the last tribe hears the gospel and the end comes, this long bright march of the heroes of faith will end. We will all dine at this amazing table of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, gazing upon the One we love.

May this vision keep us faithful…the joy will be eternal!

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