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Waking the other morning I found the stone from my gold ring missing. I was horrified as the prongs gaped darkly at me. The semi-precious stone—an alexandrite that changes color from purple to blue-green—was gone!

I began searching the sheets, the floor, the bathroom. Larry had purchased the ring for me almost 40 years ago near the Taj Mahal in India. It was set in silver then…I had felt so cherished. Some years later a jeweler designed a gold setting for the purple stone, and I wore it proudly for years. When we lived in India for almost a year, and later as we returned to teach the ring became a symbol of love and calling.

As I searched for the elusive stone I prayed. Larry prayed. I was impressed it would be found.

Today we attended a kindergarten graduation at Monument Academy for our granddaughter. Seventy-seven little people marched up the aisle with blue graduation hats and tassels to receive their diplomas. Dark and slender, dressed in white our Christine was glowing like a dark jewel. Adopted from Haiti four years ago, she has grown taller, confident, sparkles with joy.

I watched the choir of children singing, quietly astonished at individual uniqueness. Each a thumbprint from God, with varying degrees of height, beauty, shyness, audacity. Each created by God, worth more than the world. He breathed them into being for His own purposes. “And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels…” Mal. 3:17a

And I remember my small lost treasure, the alexandrite. How desperate is God after His lost jewels? I read that there are 153 million orphans in the world now, in 2018. Jewels who need to be reclaimed. Christine and John her brother have been found…and they love Jesus.

How can I Lord search and find your lost treasures? Lead me.

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