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In April after Easter we traveled, visiting four different worship services. Ruminating on each one’s uniqueness, I wondered how God had enjoyed the gatherings. And the company of angels.

During our two weeks in Kona, Hawaii we were among 500 students and staff at University of the Nations. Most students were under 30, and the worship team reflected that. I loved it…exuberance in the Throne Room…pure love to God poured out. And a powerful three point message of adding to our faith GOODNESS, to goodness KNOWLEDGE, and to knowledge SELF CONTROL (endurance). Not too much explanation of how to do it, or rooted illustrations from real life, but it was solid.

Our next Sunday service was in Deland, Florida at the Alliance Retirement Center. My dad attends this white chapel filled with peace and order, lined with rows of white haired retired missionaries and pastors. We sang three verses of each worship song from the hymnal, and then agreed with fervent pastoral prayer. Everyone seemed seasoned, sanctified, set apart. What would the accumulated years of Christian service total in that one room, I wondered. What amazing stories could some of them recount, of God’s salvation and deliverance in the ends of the earth. Then Pastor Wilbur preached. Systematic exegesis, a little formal, very profound. Nourishing, with lots of meat to chew on. No salad. Dessert was in the sweet greetings at the end.

Week three was at our son Nick’s Orlando church. Jyl his wife and the little girls were in pastel Sunday dresses…we all lined the pew. Again fervent worship and the 40’s something pastor exhorted with scripture and points to grow by. Good, but to me generic--wide rather than deep. Was anyone suffering in this large gathering? Could they live on what food he served?

Our last Sunday was at home in the Springs Church. Pastor Michael, in his 30’s, a motorcycle enthusiast, had strung his bow with prayer and the arrow of truth hit the mark of our hearts. There is no hierarchy in the Body, he affirmed. There are organs, parts of Christ’s body. We each have gifts and where the Holy Spirit places us is where we function. Are we using our gifts, ministering in the Body? Do you want to? Will you offer yourself specifically to the Lord? Then commit today…and just DO IT!

That sermon, this particular Sunday was just what I needed. Was it because we were in our home church and the Holy Spirit tailored the nourishment specifically to us? To all of us connected in that local body? I believe so. I’m glad we’re planted here in Colorado Springs, in this church.

Obedience will help me grow.

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