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Blessings in Worship

Sunday morning as I was worshiping in church I had a distinct revelation from the Throne Room. Original, creative illumination is not uncommon…the Holy Spirit speaks. “The lives of those here in the heavenlies are complete. Their work is finished, their stories finished. You on earth are yet living out your purpose. Your story is being told. It is open-ended. So take your life and work seriously.”

Sunday evening was another worship time at Every Home for Christ, led by our son Jared. I was walking and praising, and felt led to stop, listen. “You are in time, outside of eternity. But in truth you are here with the elders, disciples, angels, saints. Your place is established, your position set. It is finished…you can rest.”

I have been musing on these contrapuntal concepts. Growing yet established. Open-ended but complete. A story unfolding, and yet a tale all told. The tapestry is being woven daily, but God sees it complete, outside of time and space. Even when I stumble and fall, smudge and tear the fabric of life, unravelling beauty. How can both ideas be totally true?

The short book of Jude (which Larry and I have been slowly memorizing) gives more perspective. I have been musing on the vivid word pictures. James’ brother warns us to contend for the faith, brutally describes those who fall away. And his epistle ends with sweet hope, giving security to us saints-in-the-making:

“Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling,

And to present you faultless before the presence of His glory

With exceeding joy,

To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power,

Both now and ever. Amen!”

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