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Teaching and

Spiritual Direction

Whether in missions, local church or parachurch ministry,

if you are looking to take your people beyond cookie cutter Christianity

into establishing foundations of righteousness, Larry and Marti bring

fresh teaching and direction that will inform, admonish and inspire.

Voices that teach & inspire.

Leaders you can trust.

Larry & Marti Anderson have been teaching for years locally & internationally and are available to book for your next engagement.


Biblical Teaching

Calling & Mission

Prayer and Intercession

Family & Marriage

Divorce & Recovery

Ministry After Divorce

Single Parent Ministry


Larry & Marti

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Larry & Marti Anderson

(YWAM Resource Teachers)



Marti Anderson


Marti Anderson grew up as a missionary kid among the Dani tribe of Papua New Guinea, and her career as a nurse, pastor’s wife, professor and missionary has launched her into more than 25 nations. She graduated with a Masters in Theology from Fuller Seminary and Doctor of Ministry degree from Oral Roberts University. She has taught at Kings Seminary, Pikes Peak Community College and at Youth with a Mission training centers in Asia, Africa, and Europe. Her passion is to release students into their God-given callings. She and her husband Larry reside in Colorado Springs, and delight in spending time with their nine grandchildren


How do you find your way when you feel lost? When you are uprooted from the place and people who gave your life security and meaning? When divorce shatters your hopes and dreams? Finding My Tribe can help you find your way and your calling...


About the Author
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